Not year-end sales but rather, year-end syndrome. At this time of the year everybody starts figuring out whether they have managed to achieve the targets that they have set last year. Then they'll start thinking of some new ones. Ni macam KPI lah jugak. Since now everyone is talking about KPI so maybe I should use those words jugaklah instead of "azam" because to me "azam" is more like wishful thinking while KPI should mean something that comes with a strategic plan to achieve your goals. Anyway, that's how I look at it walaupun my KPI is always tersasar... hahahaha
Have I achieved anything this year? Hmmm I guess 2009 has been a hectic year for me as far as work matters. Academically I have accomplished very little, or none at all as my time was mostly occupied with the admin work. But on the other hand, I was able to spend some time holidaying - something that I did not really manage to do in the past few years.
Apart from that, I made some new friends, also lost a few significant figures in my life. May Allah bless their souls, ameen.
And hey, I bought myself a "nest"! A "birdnest" is more like it since it's not really on the ground. Can't post the picture of the nest since I have not moved in yet. Maybe in the next entry which I don't know when.
So, what are my KPIs for 2010? Well I'd rather not say it although I have already set them in my mind. Just that I haven't figured out the strategy yet.
Anyways, let's welcome the new years - hijriah and 2010 - and hope that it will be better than this year, InsyaAllah.
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