Saturday, December 10, 2011

...of baking and nothing

Remember the paper cups that I bought some time ago to bake cupcakes? Well, they are still there waiting to be filled with batter. I don't know when the cupcakes will materialise.
A few weeks ago I had this urge to try making brownies. Downloaded the recipe and bought the ingredients. Well, like the cupcakes, they are still there at one corner of my kitchen waiting to be turned into something edible.
Maybe it would be easy to just go to Secret Recipe and buy myself a few pieces!!!
Tang, talk about simplifying life.....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I need something to keep me awake during the hours when I should not be sleeping. I have tonnes and tonnes of things to do before I go off for the holidays. God help me...

Monday, August 15, 2011


Bought the paper cups for baking cupcakes the other day kat TESCO. That was when I was feeling like baking cupcakes. But now....hmmm.

Baking is never my interest. I just do not have the patience. But off late I feel like trying out my year-old oven which has not been fully used yet. Let's pray for the mood to come over the weekend....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ramadhan 2011

My last entry was almost a year ago, also in Ramadhan. Gosh, it's been that long! I have been either busy or plain lazy to write.

Anyways, so much has happened since then - the Eids, the breaks, celebrations, friendships, visits, works... But for now I'm gonna skip all those. I'll write about them later (hopefully it will not be next year!!!).

Since it's Ramadhan, maybe I should be writing about the spirit of this holy month. It's the 11th day today. 11 days of fasting during the day. Fasting here would mean refraining oneself from the desire to eat and drink, watching over one's actions and words, doing all the good deeds and of course enhance oneself spiritually. Have I managed to do all that? I'm pretty sure I have not. But I hope I've managed to achieve something if not all, InsyaAllah.