Saturday, July 24, 2010

Getting together

Had some friends over yesterday. Although not everyone that I expected to come turned up but I was quite happy. These friends were my USM buddies. My "toksu angkat", makngah and Rina were also present.

I cooked carrot rice, roasted chicken with tomato sauce, dalca, meat in soya sauce (daging kicap!) and salad. Jelly for dessert. Pojiah's son commented that the jelly did not shake...hahhahahaha. I guess I put too much rock sugar it got a bit tough!

Anyway, many thanks to Intan and family, Pojiah and the kids and Toksu, Makngah and Rina for coming. Ida, Zach, Shaida, Cikbak, Cikwang, Kak Nor and Abang Li, sorry you people couldn't make it. Maybe the next time...


Mama Chupan said...

Thank u Noya for the lovely nasi carrot and all..Ang makan malam tuh walaupung sakit perut.. hehehe

shilla66 said...

meriah nampaknyaaaaaa

shilla66 said...

ada rezeki, nanti aku singgah rumah lu dgn mom and baby zara