Tuesday, November 4, 2008

of tomyam and donuts...

Tiba-tiba rasa rajin pulak nak write although the assignments masih tidak bersentuh. I have a proposal to table tomorrow and it is yet to have a title. Huhuhu ketaq...

Anyways, nak ceta sikit about the food that I had in Phuket. (What else to cerita kalau kat blog badak ni??!!!). Of course le nak cari muslim food is a problem. But we are lucky though the morning of our arrival, after tanya kat reception counter, we - my friends and I, went towards the direction given by the guy (with whom we had problem understanding what he said). Jalan-jalan and we came to this one warung. Not much choice. No nasi lemak, or nasi goreng or roti canai or what whatever that we have here. So did not really know what to have sebab kuih-kuih diorang tak berapa nak memberangsangkan. Apparently kat sini pagi-pagi lagi depa serve nasi campur. So no choice. Gipun takut susah nak cari food we decided to have the nasi campur. I was already ketaq - not due to lapar - but the dishes looked so tempting. Gulai ikan/udang with rebung, and those kampung kind of dishes. Apa lagi makan le. Luckily I remember that makanan siam ni selalunya super hot. So I only took sikit je gravy. But unfortunate lah for my friends..... berasap telinga!

Petang, we went to this arab-indian restaurant yang serve awesome tomyam that I had to comeback again the following night. Memang awesome. The hotel food? Pi makan kat Laka Kona 100 times better. Since depa had to serve muslim food, depa amik satu caterer pakistan yang foodnya memang a no no. From the first meal sampailah that served before we left, tak ada apa yang beza. Serupa aje lauknya.

On the way balik to Mesia, I saw one donut outlet kat one of the stops that we made. It was in a shopping mall behind a petrol station. Apa lagi, terus made a quick get-away dengan friends sebab dah jemu dengan makane siam/pakistan. Tak le glamor macam dunkin donut but very creative and cheap giler. I saw this bunny donut that I had to have. Cute giler. The donuts were awesome. Not that sweet compared to dunkin's. After all the bad experience in Phuket, at least there was something interesting to talk about.

(Waah, wa dah pandai upload gambar... This is the first after so many entries!)

1 comment:

stabuxguy said...

(Waah, wa dah pandai upload gambar... This is the first after so many entries!)

wah wah wah kelass nye dah tau upload pic... baru syok camni... maken improve nampaknya kakak divaku sorang nih... teruskan usaha tangga kejayaang!! hehehe...

p/s : best cite phuket... nanti pi ajak adiknda tauu...
