No, not that Adflin Shauki's movie. This entry is about an old friend of mine (10 years, old ke?) whom I have lost contact for ten years (since balik from UK) but we were brought back together by a good samaritan name Sharon Wilson from UTAR. Thank you so much Sharon.
I have been looking for this friend of mine, Kim Sae-Uen, a Korean whom I met during my student days in Sussex. I googled and e-mailed but nothing came up positive. She was my neighbour and fast became a very dear friend of mine. I first saw her during the registration. We happened to register in the same program. The next day she knocked on my studio door to deliver a message from the housing dept. to me. And guess what? She lived just next door! That was the beginning when we became friends. We would often 'lepak' at each other's places and have conversations, sometime until late at night. When she first arrived in Sussex, she was quite lonely as that was the first time she ventured outside Korea. She missed her family so much especially her children. She had just given birth to her second one when she left for England. I can only imagine how she felt having to leave her children behind. But not for long though. Her parents came a few months later with her children and they stayed on in Brighton until she completed her Ph.D. Best kan kalau ada the whole family dengan you during those critical years. Bukan moral support je, duit pung!
Last thursday she called me and I was overwhelmed with joy to hear her voice again. I guess we spent about half an hour talking and reminiscing about our lives in Sussex. We planned to meet up but don't know when. Nevertheless, I promise myself that I would go to Seoul one day and meet this wonderful friend of mine. See you soon my dear friend!
wah bestnye dpt jumpa member lama... btway ni sussex kat UK ka? i tot akak dulu study kat bostong sama ibuk samantha? hua hua hua...
sussex kat uk le tu. Pas Bostong pi sussex lak. macam ibuk kemboja, di pi londong, akak pi sussex, buat phd yang tak dapat tu...
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